
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Assignment two: a résumé for you and stuck in an elevator

It is not a challenge of thinking of something, of coming up with the next assignment... the hard part is deciding what not to pick. So many possibilities end up making this a process of elimination, more akin to chipping away at stone or wood to reveal the sculpture within.

So I have TWO assignment for our second assignment!
And the first isn't even "due" yet! I am just so antsy to keep writing; aren't you?

So here they are:
  • Construct a one page (front only) résumé for an imaginary employer who wants to take note of all the things you wish employers did value. Construct inventive and creative headings, titles, categories, etc. This résumé is for YOU. Instead of trying to anticipate what someone else might want... figure out what you want - what you value in yourself - and write about it.
  • Next, write a story (was 1,000 words too long? not long enough? You can break all the rules in this creative writing class, you know, as long as we remain respectful to one another) in which you are trapped in an elevator with one(?) other person [maybe two other people?] ---well dang, I think I could craft an entire creative writing semester with variations on elevator entrapment scenarios--- I will just leave it open... since I cannot make up my mind. You are trapped in an elevator. Make it boring and about nothing, like real life. Make it stressful, like real life. Make it funny, like real life. Make it a scene in an adventure novel, maybe Jane Bond instead of James, less like real life. Whatever. Just be creative, right?
Hope everyone is having fun. I am.
Due date, let's say November 6th.

Click here to post your writing.


Anonymous said...

i wouldn't have minded if you've set the next assignment a week ago - i'm eager as well. but, um, do we want to comment on each other's stories? or if anyone is looking for any particular feedback could they go fishing for info?

Anonymous said...

last one was from chelsea- having password issues

Fellow Francophile said...

Good consideration. I wasn't even aware of my own preconceived notions I brought to this adventure. Most writing groups do provide comments and feedback on others' writing, but we could have a "no comments unless asked for" policy. I like that. That means if others participate, they need to know that.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we post at some point after posting our story if we want and what we want in feedback? - chelsea

Fellow Francophile said...

Any thoughts on the next short story assignment? I am finding it hard to get started. I was thinking:
Older little bit rundown part of a city, Chicago or someplace. Not particularly slummy or scary just old where things are constantly falling apart. There is a white guy, let's just say he is sheltered, not wealthy but suburban heritage, uppper middle class. SUV driving parents kind of thing. And now he has moved to the city. He has a temper because he feels entitled to certain things, but in particular he feels entitled to certain things that he is not getting in the city, because he cannot afford them in the city. Like a nicer apartment, with a better elevator. And why his parents aren't helping him out is something that I am not going to discuss in this story.

Then there is an Indian woman. She wears the saris and scarves around her face. The kind of people that Paul never notices or looks at. He does not discount them or hold outright prejudices, but subconsciously he is in a different class, has different goals, can achieve different things. Doesn't associate with people like them because he is not one of them, not because he has every put a name or label on his feelings and attitude. Then all of a sudden he is stuck with her and he starts talking to her because he has nothing else better to do. and... well... i can't wait to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of two people being forced together in that way - it's also the basis for my story. But not as rich in detail maybe. It seems a little hard to write for those two types of people. I'm still pulling from close experiences so I applaud your creativity. I started my planning with the idea - What would be so important of a message that getting stuck in an elevator would force me to listen to. So maybe if you start in the main dialogue or message it will flow from there? - chelsea

Fellow Francophile said...

I have posted my story for assignment two. It is a bizarre one. My inspiration:
No Exit, by Jean Paul Sartre
The bottom of the well scene in The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami
The image of the devil from The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov.