
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Assignment three: Beach moments

So far, the writing prompts have been general in nature; this time however, I am giving you the beginning of a story. Take it and run! Make it yours, and see where it takes you.


The sun sets. I pant, bent over propped on my knees. My back heaves up. Down. Up. Down. I rise, straighten my back and take in the last rays in the cloud-splotched sky. I turn; I know in my stomach that I have not gotten away. I have to keep on going. But I feel I can’t go on anymore; I want to die.
I give in for a moment, close my eyes. The sand beneath my toes is the only good thing in the entire universe right now. If only I could be a grain of sand, any grain of sand, a grain of sand touched by the setting sun everyday, turned golden and warm for a moment.
Did I hear a twig crack? Why can't I have some rest?
I turn, gasp, my instincts engage...


Due Nov 15.

Click here to post your writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm - good start - I like it so far - and would find it challenging to add to it. could still have a variety of possibilities... assignment 4 is a cooperative thing in a way too - different from the others - so many ideas out there! I like the start story- or starting at the same point sort of thing. I bet you have a million ideas saved up! - c