The setting for this assignment comes to me from a recent movie I saw, the new Tron movie in Imax 3d, talk about eye candy--wow! The story could have used some work, however, but I was mostly motivated to go watch the movies because it was the Holidays and because I loved the first one back in the 80's when I was a kid. At the end of the movie (and I won't spoil anything for anybody - no worries - well maybe a little) the computer program leaves the Grid with Flynn's son (Flynn was the first movie's main character that went to the Grid). The computer program having heard so much about the real world from Flynn and the books that he provided for her to read wanted Flynn's son to describe the sun to her, and so at the end of the movie he is driving the computer program on his motorcycle toward the beach around San Francisco or someplace similar and the sun is coming up and there is the moment when she sees the sun for the very first time ever -
and it got me thinking.
There are always those moments when someone escapes some adversity and beholds the sun rising; the person could be escaping a Jewish concentration camp or like in the movie, The Shawshank Redemption, when he is working on a boat at the end. It could also be something else more common, like seeing the sunrise at a camping trip and being filled with an amazing sense of awe at the beauty of the world. The list goes on.
Write a short story ranging from 400 to 600 words long (or however long you want to make it) about a person that looks at a sunrise and is overcome with a sense of joy and appreciation for life and a tear rolls down his/her cheek.
click here to post your writing
Due date January Sunday 23.
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